Rachel McCormack

Rachel McCormack

Writer and broadcaster

Daughter of a Macallan drinker, Rachel McCormack spent her formative adult years in Catalonia catching the twin Catalan obsessions of politics and food. Finding food less, albeit only slightly, controversial, she opted to learn more about that. She has taught Catalan cooking as well as hosting Catalan food events in various parts of the UK and now writes on all kinds of food topics from doughnuts to whisky. She is a regular panelist on BBC Radio 4's The Kitchen Cabinet and when not writing or broadcasting she can generally found with a whisky and too many opinions, often on Twitter.

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Rachel's favorite cookbooks

The Book of Jewish Food

The Book of Jewish Food

Claudia Roden

Encompasses the food and culture of an entire people. What they eat, why they eat it, how and when. The recipes work and her knowledge and research is unparalleled

Available on ckbk now
Book of Ices

Book of Ices

Agnes B. Marshall

A pioneering figure in the world of ices, Agnes Marshall was the first person to suggest using nitrogen as a freezing technique in the late 1800s. Unjustly ignored in favour of Mrs Beeton, Marshall's book gives you a plethora of workable ideas for making sorbets and ice creams that seem very modern and unusual

Italian Food

Italian Food

Elizabeth David

There are thousands of Italian cookbooks in English. This was one of the first and still has some of the best recipes and the most thorough research

Available on ckbk now
The Scots Kitchen

The Scots Kitchen

F. Marian McNeill

Continuously in print since 1929, McNeill is not a household name in Scotland, but she should be. The recipes are great, the writing sparkles and anyone aspiring to write about food should read it and learn.

Coming to ckbk soon
Salt, Sugar, Smoke

Salt, Sugar, Smoke

Diana Henry

The best guide to preserving written for home cooks as opposed to chefs with sheds. Clear instructions, joyful knowledge. Full of the joy of food.

English Food

English Food

Jane Grigson

After making some of the food from this book for Spanish friends they still talk about it 15 years later. Beautiful writing, purenpleasure to read and cook from

Gran Cocina Latina

Gran Cocina Latina

Maricel Presilla

The book of Maricel's life, full of recipes from her travels all over Latin America as well as insights due to her training as a historian. If Claudia Roden had written about Latin America instead of the Jews, she would have written this.

Action Cookbook

Action Cookbook

Len Deighton

The drawings, the maleness, the sex appeal. The fact the recipes work. The fact it screams sexy. Have I mentioned it's sexy?

Delia Smith's Complete Cookery Course

Delia Smith's Complete Cookery Course

Delia Smith

The very first book I, and many cooks of my generation, cooked from. I learned all the basics of naming and roasting from Delia and while I no longer use it, it has had a lasting impact on my life.