by Diana Henry
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We are building our collection of cookbooks all the time. This book is on our wish list, but it is not yet available on ckbk.
Books which are part of ckbk's collection show one of these two logos:
Writer, broadcaster and academic
I'm a slightly cavalier cook - throw it in, taste a little, add a touch more. But that method doesn't work so well - or so safely - with preserving and curing. Diana Henry's book is as comforting as it's edifying, with perfectly balanced recipes and precise instructions. Diana Henry is the kind of person - and cook - that everyone wants to have as a friend
Food writer
A go to for preserving. I visit many charcutiers around Britain. They're professionals at what they do … and this simple home cooking text sits alongside the classic Ruhlman Salumi, and Charcutería: The Soul of Spain by Jeffrey Weiss on each and every one of their shelves.
Blogger at Desperate Reader
All her books are excellent but this one makes preserving in all its forms seem so accessible to the home cook as well as being full of things that are easy enough to make but hard to buy off the shelf.
Food writer and author
I could have chosen almost any one of this brilliant author's many books, but this preserving book is probably the one I use most. A great collection of tried and tested classics and new ideas.
Head Chef & partner at The Culpeper
So beautifully written and for someone to spend a year making preserves opened my eyes to the dedication needed to make flavours accessible to all.
Writer and broadcaster
The best guide to preserving written for home cooks as opposed to chefs with sheds. Clear instructions, joyful knowledge. Full of the joy of food.
Founder, Edinburgh New Town Cookery School
I could have chosen any of Diana's books. She is a gifted writer and this book is wonderful if you are interested in preserving
Founder of Rachel's Kitchen
Sourdough baker, writer & food activist
Blogger, Owner of The Library Cafe
Preserver, cookbook author and sometime food stylist
Food historian
Co-founder of Melrose and Morgan