The Three Chimneys: Recipes & Reflections
Shirley Spear
The Daily Mail Modern British Cookbook
Alastair Little and Richard Whittington
The Game Cookbook
Clarissa Dickson Wright and Johnny Scott
Spices Salt & Aromatics in the English Kitchen
Elizabeth David
English Bread and Yeast Cookery
Cooking and Dining in Medieval England
Peter Brears
Good Things in England
Florence White
The Scots Kitchen
F. Marian McNeill
Larger Book of Extra Recipes
Agnes B. Marshall
Mrs A.B. Marshall's Cookery Book
Fancy Ices
Book of Ices
Leaves from The Walnut Tree: Cooking of a Lifetime
Ann Taruschio and Franco Taruschio
The Baker's Tale: The specialities of James Burgess from One Devonshire Gardens
Catherine Brown
Scottish Cookery
Classic Scots Cookery
Broths to Bannocks: Cooking in Scotland 1690 to the Present Day
A Year in a Scots Kitchen
Fool's Gold: A History of British Saffron
Sam Bilton
Traditional British Cooking
Elisabeth Ayrton and Theodora Fitzgibbon
The Cookery of England
Elisabeth Ayrton
English Provincial Cooking
Rhubarb and Black Pudding
Paul Heathcote and Matthew Fort
The Modern Housewife
Alexis Soyer
A Culinary Campaign
The Gastronomic Regenerator
A Shilling Cookery for the People
A Cook’s Year in a Welsh Farmhouse
Elisabeth Luard
British Cooking
Caroline Conran
The Trifle Bowl
Lindsey Bareham
The Fish Store
How to Cook The Victorian Way with Mrs Crocombe
Annie Gray and Andrew Hann
Real Irish Food
David Bowers
Sue Lawrence's Scottish Kitchen: Over 100 Modern Recipes Using Traditional Ingredients
Sue Lawrence
Scots Cooking: The Best Traditional and Contemporary Scottish Recipes
A Cook's Tour of Scotland: From Barra to Brora in 120 Recipes
The Scottish Soup Bible
The Scottish Berries Bible
Scottish Baking
A Taste of Scotland’s Islands
A Taste of the Highlands
Ghillie Basan
Gary Maclean's Scottish Kitchen: Timeless traditional and contemporary recipes
Gary Maclean
The Official Downton Abbey Christmas Cookbook
Regula Ysewijn
Pride and Pudding: The History of British Puddings, Savoury and Sweet
Oats in the North, Wheat from the South: The history of British Baking, savoury and sweet