Bracadale Crab Tart

Preparation info
    • Difficulty


Appears in
The Three Chimneys: Recipes & Reflections

By Shirley Spear

Published 2010

  • About

A small portion of this tart could be served on its own as a starter, or a larger slice as a main course. We make individual ones for the restaurant and serve them with Warm Cherry Tomato Vinaigrette.


Ingredients for the Filling

  • Approx 250 g fresh, mixed (brown and white) crabmeat
  • Juice of half a <


To Start with

Pre-heat the oven to Gas Mark 5 (190°C or 375°F). Place a flat baking sheet on centre shelf to warm. Grease a 25cm wide x 5cm deep flan tin and line with shortcrust pastry.

Place flan tin on top of baking sheet and bake blind.