Torta della Nonna

Grandmother’s cake

Preparation info
  • 8

    • Difficulty


Appears in

By Leslie Forbes

Published 1985

  • About

Grandmothers all over Tuscany make this cake, and so do many restaurants, cafes and pastry shops. Basically it is a deliciously rich and creamy flan filled with confectioner’s custard and covered with a mixture of pastry, toasted almonds, pine nuts and icing sugar, but there are dozens of variations on the same theme.


    For the Cream

  • 2 egg yolks
  • oz/35 g plain white flour


First make the cream. Heat the milk until it starts to boil, remove from the heat. Beat the yolks and sugar together until they form a ribbon. Stir in the flour, blending well. Add one tbsp of the hot milk to the yolk-sugar mixture and blend in well with a wooden spoon. Add the mixture to the milk and return to the heat, stirring until the cream thickens. When thickened, pour into a clean bowl