The Dairy Book of Family Cookery


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Original Publisher
Ebury Press
Date of publication

Recommended by

Sadie Hirst

Food historian

This was the first cookbook I saved up for and bought myself from my school friend, who's Mum and Dad owned a local bookshop. There are many editions and reincarnations of this classic cookbook, with a slightly different name of The Dairy Book of Home Cookery. The early versions are written by Sonia Allinson and date back to the sixties, further editions were brought out in the 70s, 90s, 00s and a fiftieth edition last year. The 1982 book will always have a special place in my heart, it is just comforting to flick through the familiar pages and photos. I still make the chocolate biscuit cake, mainly after Easter and Christmas, to use up dried fruit, nuts, chocolate and biscuits.

Adaobi Okonkwo

Blogger of dobbyssignature

Allegra McEvedy

Chef, writer and broadcaster