Why aren’t the recipes for this book available on ckbk?
We are building our collection of cookbooks all the time. This book is on our wish list, but it is not yet available on ckbk.
Books which are part of ckbk's collection show one of these two logos:
Food journalist
I didn’t appreciate the spectrum of vegetables and vegetable cooking until I met Madison and this book. I grew up eating many stir-fried Asian vegetables and didn’t have a perspective on the wide-world of other greens, roots, and herbs, and the plethora of ways to prepare them. Madison opened that world for me. I have always appreciated her groundedness in her recipe and cookbook writing.
Bookstore owners
What is not to like about this book, no matter what you like to eat or what your eating style is this is a perfect book to have. Whether you are vegetarian, vegan, or you like meat, fish or fowl, these recipes can serve you delicious dishes for your taste and table. Included is a wealth of information on how to buy and store grains, produce, eggs and cheese.
Executive Director, Slow Food USA
Now in its second edition, this is one of the more useful cookbooks to own (if you only have room for a few). It was given to me by a farmers market shopper many, many years ago. My copy is smudged with all sorts of cooking and baking excess.
My first and still favorite bible for a meatless meal.
Cookbook author
Consultant and writer
Food Writer
Food & Travel Storyteller
Food writer
Fermentation blogger and educator
Co-founder of Edible Communities
Proprietress of Omnivore Books
Food writer and radio producer
Senior Editor Lucky Peach
Owner and Founder of Pascale’s Kitchen
Food columnist of LA Times
Culinary Consultant, Route to Market LLC
Restaurateur, chef and author
Food writer