
Appears in
Oxford Companion to Wine

By Jancis Robinson

Published 2006

  • About

Smart–Dyson, vine training system developed in the early 1980s in California and by the end of the 2000s adopted in new plantings in Spain and South Africa in particular. In South Africa, adoption has been encouraged by companies such as distell, where experience has shown an increase in both yield and quality following conversion from the often-shaded vertical trellis.

The system was devised by Richard Smart of Australia and John Dyson of New York, and initially trialled on Dyson’s ranch in Gilroy, California, in 1992 with Merlot vines. It is a vertically divided training system like scott henry, but the vine is cordon trained and there are upwards- and downwards-pointing spurs giving rise to the two canopies. It is compatible with mechanical pruning, unlike the Scott Henry system, and it can be mechanically harvested as readily.