Shows, Wine

Appears in
Oxford Companion to Wine

By Jancis Robinson

Published 2006

  • About

Now a universal phenomenon, wine shows have occupied a particularly important place in Australia’s wine culture, taking place in each australian state’s capital (originally offshoots of general agricultural shows), with some uniquely Australian features. Each class (established by variety and vintage(s)) is judged by a panel of three judges, one being panel chair, and three associate judges. If one or more of the judges has given gold medal points to a wine, it will automatically be retasted and discussed and the show chair may well be called in. The more experienced judges officiate at up to ten regional and capital city shows a year, know each other well, and have mutual respect for each other. While the discussion—in best Australian fashion—may be robust, it seldom, if ever, becomes ill-tempered. The most important part of the discussion usually turns on style issues.