Appears in
Oxford Companion to Wine

By Jancis Robinson

Published 2006

  • About

Near Eastern country officially known as iran since 1935, which has known the consumption of wine since ancient times.


  1. Johnson, H., The Story of Wine (London and New York, 1989).
  2. Planhol, X., ‘Une rencontre de l’Europe et de l’Iran: le vin de Shiraz’, in D. Boidanovic and J. L. Bacque-Grammont (eds.), Iran (Paris, 1972).
  3. Tavernier, J.-B., Voyages en Perse (Geneva, 1970).
  4. Wills, C. J., The Land of the Lion and the Sun (London, 1891).
  5. Wills, C. J., Persia as it is (London, 1886).