Breast of Wood Pigeon with Caramelised Red Onion, Barley & Beetroot

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Gary Maclean's Scottish Kitchen: Timeless traditional and contemporary recipes

By Gary Maclean

Published 2022

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This is a very quick and simple recipe. Marrying pigeon with beetroot is a real classic combination. I like the addition of barley, as it adds a lot of texture to the dish and it also reminds me of evening walks in the summer where I live, watching the barley grow.


  • 100 g ( oz) barley
  • 1 red onion, finely diced


  1. Your first task is to soak and cook the barley. This can be done in advance.
  2. Preheat your oven to 180°C (350°F).
  3. Heat a pan and add a splash of oil, then add the diced onion and chilli, and sweat on a medium heat until softened but without co