Couscous Imperial

Imperial Couscous

Preparation info
  • Serves

    6 to 8

    • Difficulty


Appears in
Saffron Shores: Jewish Cooking of the Southern Mediterranean

By Joyce Goldstein

Published 2002

  • About


  • 1 cup dried chickpeas, soaked in cold water overnight
  • 2 pounds stewing beef or lamb cut into 2-inch pieces, or 1


This is my recipe for a basic couscous meal. It can be made with beef, lamb, or chicken. This version is a cross between one from Tangier and one from Fez. Algerian cooks prefer beef or chicken for their couscous, not lamb. Sometimes beef and chicken are used together. Meatballs may replace the chunks of meat or poultry (see a basic meatball recipe). On Rosh H