Chicken Satay

Sate Ayam

Preparation info
  • Makes


    servings as a snack or appetizer
    • Difficulty


Appears in
Mortar and Pestle: Classic Indonesian Recipes for the Modern Kitchen

By Patricia Tanumihardja

Published 2024

  • About

Every time I visited my oma in West Jakarta, I was bound to have sate ayam. There was a street vendor (abang sate) who plied the neighborhood, carrying his wares on a bamboo pole stretched across his shoulders. Once he was hailed, he would set up his accoutrements at the gate in front of the house. I would watch impatiently as he continuously turned the skewers on his portable charcoal grill, the intoxicating smell of the grilling meat tickling my nose. Once the satay was cooked, I would de