Le Confit de Cou d’Oie Farci au Foie Gras

Goose neck stuffed with foie gras and preserved

Preparation info
  • Serves


    • Difficulty


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By Jeanne Strang

Published 1991

  • About

The skin of the long neck of the goose is put to very good purpose: for making a large sausage which is then also preserved for future use.


  • 1 goose (or duck) neck
  • 350 g (¾ lb)


As we shall see later, sausagemeat is usually made with two thirds lean pork to one third fat. The foie gras makes this recipe rather rich so try to find a leaner sausagemeat mix, say three quarters to one quarter. A simpler version might omit the foie gras in which case the fattier sausagemeat mixture would be better. Either way it should be finely minced or chopped, following th