Pigeon with blackcurrants & bacon on toast

Preparation info
  • Serves


    • Difficulty


Appears in
The Good Table: Adventures In and Around My Kitchen

By Valentine Warner

Published 2013

  • About

Pigeons and blackcurrants are a splendid partnership. Seeing pigeons eat the fruit from the bushes has to be a recommendation from the bird itself. A good little dinner for two.


  • 2 whole wood pigeons
  • a small bunch of young curly-leaf parsley
  • 2 teaspoons


Cut the breasts and legs off the pigeons (or get a butcher to do it) and reserve the carcasses. Put the breasts on a plate skin-side up to help prevent them drying out and cover with clingfilm. Chop each carcass into three with a large, heavy knife and cut the parsley stalks from the leaves. Place a medium saucepan over a high heat. Add the oil and chuck in the pigeon carcasses with the legs, v