Sugar-Free Lemonade

Preparation info
  • Makes:

    4 Cups

    • Difficulty


    • Ready in

      15 min

Appears in
Flavcity's Five Ingredient Meals

By Bobby Parrish

Published 2021

  • About

It makes me shiver when I see how much sugar some products contain, especially sweet drinks and soda. Absolutely no one needs 8 teaspoons of cane sugar in one bottle of lemonade or soda. That’s a fast track to type 2 diabetes. This diabetic and keto-friendly lemonade tastes just like the real deal, with zero added sugar.


  • cups monk fruit sweetener
  • cups filtered water
  • cups<


Make the simple syrup. Add the monk fruit and 1½ cups of water to a small pot. Cook over medium heat until the sweetener is dissolved, about 5 minutes. Turn heat off under the pot and let cool to room temperature or add some ice if you want to cool it quickly. If the syrup begins to crystalize, just reheat it.

Meanwhile, juice 1½ cups of lemon juice in a bowl or pitcher and add 3