Pullman Loaf

Aka Pain de Mie

Preparation info
  • Makes


    10-by-4 inch 25-by-10 cm ) pullman loaf
    • Difficulty


Appears in
The Everyday Art of Gluten-Free: 125 Savory and Sweet Recipes Using 6 Fail-Proof Flour Blends

By Karen Morgan

Published 2014

  • About

Think French toast, grilled cheese, and every sandwich you’ve lusted after since going gluten-free. Pain de mie literally translates to “bread crumb” and is an everyday white bread that is typically used for making sandwiches or for drying out to make breadcrumbs. The closest thing we have to pain de mie in America is the Pullman Loaf, which refers to the kind of pan the bread is baked in—a long narrow pan that has a lid that must be slid on and pulled off.