Parsnip, Brussels Sprout and Bacon Potato Cakes

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Appears in
Autumn and Winter Cooking with a Veg Box (Riverford Companions)

By Guy Watson

Published 2015

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This is a jazzed-up version of bubble and squeak and can be adapted to finish up all sorts of leftover vegetables, though parsnips, sprouts and bacon is a particularly satisfying combination. A poached or fried egg or sausages would be a good addition.


  • 200 g parsnips, peeled and cut into even-sized pieces (alternatively, you could use leftover boiled, steamed or roasted parsnips)
  • 3 tbsp olive oil


Heat the oven to 200°C/Gas 6. Toss the parsnips with salt, pepper and about a tablespoon of the oil. Spread over an oven tray and roast for about 40 minutes