The Zuni Café Cookbook
Probably my all-time favourite. It has sat by my bed for over a decade. I return to it time & time again. Kudus pure, precise voice never fails to galvanise me to be the best cook I can be.
Chef and Author my all-time favourite. It has sat by my bed for over a decade. I return to it time & time again. Kudus pure, precise voice never fails to galvanise me to be the best cook I can be.
Although I've owned this book for over twenty years it still gives me great pleasure as I turn each page. Each summer we put on the menu his beautiful dish of rabbit with cucumbers - it's one of my favourite summer dishes.
Chad Robertsons beautiful third book astounds me each time I open it. His creative energy leaps from the page. It's a book that you can palpably feel his strong creative process.
Rose Gray and Ruth Rogers
I love Rose and Ruth's cooking. They changed the face of cooking in London and so much produce is available here now because of their work. It still feels timelessly modern and relevant. Visually, for me it is one of the strongest cookery books of all time.
One of the best books written about food but it's more than that it teaches you to really think about food! Even the recipes read like a story!
A go to book for me and many other cooks! I'm always surprised at how often I see it on Restaurant kitchen shelves. I pull it out throughout the year and always find it inspiring.
Just a beautiful, thoughtful book!
I think Simon Hopkinson is one of the best food writers around! And Roast chicken is full of lovely recipes that you really want to eat.
I think the first cook book I ever owned - I was struck then as I still am now by his beautiful recipes inspired by the region - in a sense the recipes feel rather dated now but in another sense the importance of terroir feels completely relevant.