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Myanmar: Cuisine, Culture and Customs

Myanmar: Cuisine, Culture and Customs

by Mohana Gill

from the publisher

Mohana Gill has an intimate knowledge and understanding of Myanmar, having been born and brought up there. From the quiet simplicity of Myanmar's rural towns to the bustle of modern day Yangon, this book captures the sights, sounds and flavours of a country that has until recent years, been isolated from the rest of the world.

Best described as a mix of Chinese and Indian cuisines with a dose of Thai influence, Burmese cuisine is simple in its execution, yet delivers a complexity of tastes with the use of fish sauce, prawn paste, turmeric, tamarind, lemon grass, coriander, chillies and coconut milk. Go off the beaten track and discover the heart of Myanmar through her cuisine, culture and customs.

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Original Publisher
Marshall Cavendish
Date of publication

Recommended by

Mridula Baljekar

Cookbook author