Why aren’t the recipes for this book available on ckbk?
We are building our collection of cookbooks all the time. This book is on our wish list, but it is not yet available on ckbk.
Books which are part of ckbk's collection show one of these two logos:
Writer and former chair of the Oxford Symposium on Food & Cookery
Packed with authentic recipes to please and pleasure your inner peasant.
The title says it all, which appeals to the peasant in all of us.
Writer and Photographer
From one of our finest food writers. Love her poetic style.
Foraging and wild food expert
Writer, broadcaster, and food anthropologist
Food Writer
Food writer and novelist
Publisher, Grub Street
Writer and photographer
Food and wine writer, Director of the Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery
Cooking school owner
Critic and Author
Food writer, stylist and photographer
Food writer and restaurant consultant
Principal and Chief Executive, Billingsgate Seafood School