Pitt Cue Co. The Cookbook

by Richard H Turner

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Original Publisher
Octopus/Mitchell Beazley
Date of publication

Recommended by

Chris Bulow

Pig enthusiast

Whilst they might not have been the very first street food team in London (it’s a little hard to recall that far back and the pickle-backs may also have had something to do with this memory lapse), they remain, for those of us lucky enough to have eaten there, simply one of the very best. Their subsequent move into bricks ‘n mortar places didn’t change their headline rush to ensure their food brought some of the best BBQ derivatives to the city on the Thames. Tom Adams went on to farm our (jointly) loved Mangalitza pigs, so you just know he’s on the side of the angels. Try some of their less well known ideas, like the Devil Dip Gravy or Duck Giblet Sausages. There are a few recipes that would suit non-meat eaters, but this is still pretty much full-pedal-to-the-metal meat-mayhem.

Henry Herbert

Retail Director, Hobbs House Bakery

Having run a butchery and got quite into bbq in the last few years, this book summed up what I loved most about food. It’s the kind of book that I wish I had written.

Fred Smith

Beef at Flat Iron

The recipes take skill but are fun to try and worth it.

Paul A Young

Master Chocolatier & Director, Paul A. Young fine chocolates

Will Beckett

Co-founder of Hawksmoor

Nathan Outlaw


Steven Lamb

Teacher and writer

Nicola Millbank

Actress and cookbook author

Amy Zhang

YouTuber, supper club host and cookbook author