
by Russell Norman

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Recommended by

Caroline Kenyon

Founder/Director of The Food Awards Company

My step-daughter gave me this stunning and exciting book at Christmas. Venice is a really special place to me, we honeymooned there, celebrated my father's 87th birthday on Murano drinking prosecco and eating grilled sea bass, and I took husband, son and step-daughter there to mark all sorts of occasions including her doing medical Finals. It always amazes me that Venice is not traditionally held up for its food, you can eat like a king.

Stephanie Jackson


The kind of food I love to eat, from one of my favourite ever restaurants (and most admired restaurateurs), in a stunning and much-mimicked physical package. The book I most wish I'd published myself.

Tim Spector

Scientist, physician, author & amateur cook

Northern Italian tapas cooking at its best

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Real Italian food.

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