Why aren’t the recipes for this book available on ckbk?
We are building our collection of cookbooks all the time. This book is on our wish list, but it is not yet available on ckbk.
Books which are part of ckbk's collection show one of these two logos:
Pastry chef
Or anything by Maida in fact... Her Book of Great Desserts, her Chocolate books, and cookie books are all classics. Explained in great detail, her recipes are foolproof. Maida was a great friend and mentor and allowed me to use several of her recipes in my own books.
Pastry chef
Picked this during that same period, when I was a newly minted pastry chef and overthinking everything from technique to flavor profiles; it was a great reminder that classics are classic for a reason.
Editor-in-Chief, Fine Cooking Magazine
Because I adore lemon cake, and there are not one, but two killer lemon cake recipes in this book.
Vice President of Corporate Communications & National Events
Deputy Food Editor, Washington Post
Culinary historian
Food writer
CEO & co-founder, Food52
Author of the food blog Mrs. Wheelbarrow's Kitchen