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We are building our collection of cookbooks all the time. This book is on our wish list, but it is not yet available on ckbk.
Books which are part of ckbk's collection show one of these two logos:
Wine and food writer
The only struggle with Roden is which of her books to nominate. A Book of Middle Eastern Food, the first? The Food of Spain, the most recent? I will opt for Arabesque, for its fascinating explanation of the food and cooking cultures of Turkey, Lebanon and Morocco, their similarities and vast differences, and for recipes such as Lamb Stew with Vinegar and Aubergines which, as she calmly points out, does not look very nice – but tastes wonderful.
Food writer and editor
Of all of Claudia Roden's books, this is probably the one I use the most as it's crammed with the flavours I love and many of the recipes are very simple. Roast chicken with bulgur and walnut pilaf, harira, orange, olive and onion salad are on very frequent rotation in my house.
I love all Claudia Roden's books but for me the format of Arabesque - with its modern nod to having food photography, and its triptych of fascinating countries - makes it the perfect balance of form and function.
Founder, Edinburgh New Town Cookery School
This is a book about the flavours of Morocco, Turkey and Lebanon. Claudia Roden writes beautifully about the countries and the recipes.
Screenwriter, filmmaker and author
One of my trusted references for the food of the Mediterranean; I love the clarity and specificity of it.
Chef and writer
The first of her books I owned, as a leaving present from my first kitchen job. Her books contain worlds.
Food writer, Chef and owner of Hahnemannns Køkken
Very inspirational, love the writing and the recipes work so well.
Chef Patron of Benares
Cook and food writer
Founder and principal of Straus Literary
Co-founder of Leon
Co-founder of Melrose and Morgan
Co-chef and owner of Honey & Co.