Tamasin Day-Lewis

Tamasin Day-Lewis

Writer, film maker

King's College Cambridge MA English. Documentary director/producer/writer. Writes on food, the arts, general subjects. Wrote Daily Telegraph food pages for 6 years. Regular writer for US Vanity Fair, US Marie Claire, TV, radio, all national newspapers and many magazines. Masterclasses worldwide.

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Tamasin's favorite cookbooks

A Taste of Ireland

A Taste of Ireland

Theodora Fitzgibbon

The first cookery book I ever owned. Irish ingredients and simple, traditional recipes, and I was fascinated by the idea of kidneys cooked inside potatoes.

English Food

English Food

Jane Grigson

I taught myself to cook when at Cambridge by working my way through this, along with Jane Grigson's other books and those of Elizabeth David.

Cranks Recipe Book

Cranks Recipe Book

David Canter

This was, of its era, the best way of learning to cook food that tasted as good as it did you good when we were all hippies wanting brown flour and rice and on our vegetarian warpaths.

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The Carved Angel Cookery Book

The Carved Angel Cookery Book

Joyce Molyneux

Joyce was one of the inheritors of the great George Perry-Smith who had The Hole in the Wall in Bath and later Riverside, one of the first restaurants with rooms, in Helford in Cornwall. His partner Joyce had the eponymous Carved Angel at Dartmouth. Simon Hopkinson was also under George's culinary wing.

Memories of Gascony

Memories of Gascony

Pierre Koffmann

After my first dinner at Tante Claire in Royal Hospital Road I discovered a level of cooking that I hadn't known existed, but with Pierre, it was rooted in the countryside of his childhood, the terroir, the seasons, all the things I believe in.

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Cooking for Friends

Cooking for Friends

Raymond Blanc

Despite the fact that I hate cheffy cookbooks and think that chef's food belongs in restaurants, Blanc is a great enabler, technique-wise, and instructs the more advanced cook with precision over the classics and élan.

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Honey from a Weed

Honey from a Weed

Patience Gray

Like MFK Fisher, Gray is interested in everything that is tangential to food, life, the place of the table in our lives, context, friendships and, most importantly, good prose. I want to read the best writing in a food book or there is simply no point, food-writing is not an ancillary thing.